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Aesth. Plast. Surg. 31:206208, 2007DOI: 10.1007/s00266-006-0155-z
Case Report
The Golden Thread Lift: Radiologic Findings
G. Bjo rn Stark, M.D., and Holger Bannasch, M.D.Department of Plastic Hand and Surgery and Erich-Lexer-Klinik,
University of Freiburg Medical Centre, Hugstetterstrasse55, D-79106 Freiburg, Germany
Abstract. A 48-year-old patient reported pain in her faceand neck. Within 10 years she had undergone three goldenthread lift suspension procedures, the last one 2 yearspreviously. Skull radiographs showed complete fragmentationof all the implants into small pieces, and a total lossof their vector orientation.
Case ReportAn attractive 47-year-old Russian woman presentedfor unspecific pain in her face and neck. She reportedthat she had her first golden thread lift at about theage of 35 years. Because she was pleased withthe initial result and not informed about an alternativeendoscopic subperiosteal lift, she had the procedurerepeated twice at nearly equal intervals over 10years. Some months after the last thread lift 2 yearsbefore the current consultation, she started to experiencesoaring pain within the soft tissue all over hermiddle and lower face and upper neck. The painincreased when she exercised and was most intensebelow her mandibular angles, in front of the righttragus, and even extensively into the meatus..........
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